— you hold the power

The Answers are in Your Genes

In my opinion, there is no better tool in the natural health space than using your genetic code to guide you through the best holistic solutions available. We can really pinpoint exact lifestyle contributors to dis-ease and how to best support weak genes to overcome conditions like autoimmune and infertility. It's THE ultimate biohack!

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— Genetic Testing

Biohack Your Hormone Health with Genetic Testing

Epigenetics is the science of manipulating gene expression with strategic nutrition and lifestyle habits designed to support weak genes. Although we are born with a set of genes…DNA… how we express them is through lifestyle habits. My favorite saying is “Our genes load the gun, but our lifestyle habits pull the trigger”.

The way women’s health is treated in the medical field is so backwards as they try to slap Band-Aids on symptoms and prescribe medications and recommendations that just make matters worse. We are cutting out uteruses at an alarming rate and putting women on synthetic hormones that cause aggressive hormone imbalances. 
— dont be another statistic

Let’s Make a Healthier Self Together

We live in a world where 80% of the global female population deals with some form of hormone imbalance condition and one in six of those suffer from infertility. The world's fertility rates are at an all time low. If this trend continues, future generations may face significant challenges—but the good news is, we have the power to change the trajectory.

Combining epigenetics and holistic health shows fast and effective results in women’s health and empowers women to reconnect with their inner feminine and revive the Goddess within.

— exclusive partnership

Get Your DNA Tested With dnaPower

We're thrilled to introduce our partnership with dnaPower for genetic testing

Why We Chose dnaPower

  • Woman Owned - Woman Run
  • Exceptional Privacy Standards
  • Comprehensive User Reports
  • In-House Lab
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Industry Leaders
— take back your control

Learn how to manipulate your gene expression for optimal health

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and well-being with The Holistic Goddess Academy and dnaPower. Order The DNA Goddess testing kit today and take the first step toward understanding your unique genetic blueprint for hormonal balance and fertility empowerment.
— get the blueprint to your cellular function

Learn insights into 200+ genes and over 70 genetic functions

dnaPower's totalPower test offers a plethora of insights into your health, including:
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Get Our Sample Reports

What's inside?
  • Diet Management
  • Supplement Needs
  • Detoxification
  • Hormone Health
  • Inflammation Response
  • Methylation
  • Exercise and Recovery
  • Circulation
  • Mental Wellness
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