My Story

I was born in Montréal, raised in British Columbia, and have somehow landed myself in the little town of Hinton, Alberta. A small rural town at the base of the Rockies with just under 10,000 residents. My brother and I were raised by my single mom after my parents split for the last time when I was about 4 years old.

Growing up in the Vancouver area, we moved around a lot, changed schools a lot, and lacked stability. We grew up with sex, drugs, and rock and roll until I was about 13 years old when mom took a trade apprenticeship and moved us to the interior of BC.

Castlegar was a great little town to grow up in. Life slowed down, we made friends, had a pool, a bunch of fruit trees, and a garden. We walked and biked everywhere, played outside most of the time, and didn't go home till the sun went down. Life was really really good there.

In grade 11, mom was transferred back to the lower mainland in March of that year to finish off her trade school. Since I was in the local pageant and halfway through the school year, she gave me the option to stay or move. At 16, I got a taste of what living on my own was like when I chose to finish the year before following her to the city.

Why Genetic Testing? 

At 21, I got pregnant with my then boyfriend. He told me he'd leave if I kept it, so I opted for an abortion to not repeat the generational cycle of a single mom. At the same time, I went off the birth control pill and had an IUD put in. I was bedridden and bleeding for 6 weeks before going into a deep depression and almost taking my own life.

After that, I suffered from chronic pelvic pain, heavy bleeding, irregular periods, bloating, constipation, fatigue, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and skin issues for years. I spent countless hours, in and out of ERs and walk-in clinics, taking test after test, trying to find answers. I was often gaslit and dismissed as if it was all in my head. I was always offered a prescription that didn't work or came with a slew of side effects to treat the symptoms.

Finally, in 2013, at 29 years old, after 12 years of symptoms, I was diagnosed with *endometriosis during an exploratory laparoscopic surgery where the surgeon resected a golf ball size tumor off my left ovary. At my follow-up appointment, I was offered either a hysterectomy or medical menopause as treatment options and told my fertility was reduced by 50% at best.

How DNA Testing Changed My Life!

It has always been my dream to be a mom. God must have set that passion in my heart young because my whole life has been dedicated to making that a reality. I have wanted to be a stay-at-home mom since I was 16 years old. Both treatment options took away my ability to have children leaving me only with adoption as a choice and I was not ready to make that decision so young.

My mom had been learning and practicing holistic and preventive medicine for over 2 decades. I was always so reluctant to try her "woo woo" stuff, but I didn't know where else to turn. With her knowledge and help, I started researching and trying all the alternative options we could come up with. Some seemed to work, others didn't, and some seemed to work, then stop working, but nothing left me lasting results.

About 8 months after my laparoscopy, all the symptoms came back and ten fold leaving me feeling hopeless and desperate for answers. I went back to my surgeon demanding he go back in and look for more endometriosis. He declined and said it wasn’t possible and insisted I got a for a whole slew of other tests to rule out everything else. After 2 years of back and forth, endless appointments and scans, he finally agreed.

In 2016, right about the same time of my second laparoscopy, I discovered epigenetics and DNA testing. I didn't really understand the full depth of what I had discovered, but I knew it offered factual evidence-based science to what the heck was going on with my body. It gave me hope that I wouldn’t live with this silent dis-ease for the rest of my life.

My DNA report did not disappoint. It has become the most valuable tool in my health and wellness journey.

How I overcame infertility using my DNA

Our DNA never changes, just the expression of our genes do. With this, I am able to manipulate my environment and lifestyle for optimal gene expression. This has saved me thousands of dollars and years of guesswork.

As I began to implement the healthy habits recommended by my report, I began to understand how the body works on a cellular level. I learned about the gut/brain axis and how liver health plays on hormones. The more I learned about hormone function and detoxification, the more I saw the brokenness of the medical system. Everything I needed to do to balance my hormones was the opposite of what doctors were telling me. The more I learned, the more there was to unlearn.
Through genetic testing, I started to understand how to properly support my body where I carried weak genes. I have significant gene mutations in my ability to detoxify from environmental toxins and my methylation process (MTHFR). In 2018, I was presented with a medical grade water ionizer paired with a shower filter and supplement high in folate. Within a month of starting on these 3 things, my cycle regulated for the first time in my life.

My fiancé and I were jokingly discussing having kids, but with the party lives we came from and my medical history, we did not think we’d be able to have children naturally. It wasn’t but four short months later that I became pregnant completely by surprise. It was hard for me to get excited knowing the risks of early pregnancy loss and ectopic pregnancy with my condition. But in 2019, I carried our first child to term and gave birth to our baby boy.

How not supporting my DNA affected my fertility

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Becoming a mom changes us in ways we’ll never understand until we are in the throes of motherhood. I didn’t fully understand the impacts of genetics at the time and had not truly understood what I had done to overcome the odds. When I started recognizing symptoms in him that I had as early as in his first six months, I knew I had to do something. When I brought my concerns to the doctors, they dismissed me and said it was “normal”. My mommy heart knew different. I recognized the gaslighting.

I started to really deep dive into my report and understand the value of what I had in my hands. I started implementing more and more healthy habits recommended for my genetics which in turn directly benefited my son. I watched both of our health transform.

In 2020, I got pregnant again. Except this time I wasn’t supplementing my methylation mutations and in October I ended up having a miscarriage in at 12 weeks due to a blighted ovum. I was absolutely devastated. The loss put a huge strain on our family and almost tore us apart.

How addressing my DNA mutations brought another miracle

To get my hormones back on track, I started a supplement routine to meet my vitamin needs as per my report. In February 2021, I started to feel really tired… Like falling asleep at work tired. Even through having babies and breastfeeding, my cycle still fell on the same days of the month when it came back and that February, I was late. I took a pregnancy test just to confirm before calling the doctor to get my hormones checked and couldn't believe I was pregnant. My jaw hit the floor.

My partner had moved out mid January and sex was very seldom due to the turmoil of the miscarriage. I didn’t really understand how this was possible. I booked in to see the doctor and we booked the ultrasound. Because I had a cycle in January, I thought I was maybe 5 weeks along, but the ultrasound showed 9 weeks. I had actually conceived in December, about 2-3 weeks after I started supplementing. I continued to address my gene mutations and carried to term and delivered our healthy baby girl.
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Why I created The Holistic Goddess Academy!

After giving birth to my first child, I developed such a passion for epigenetics and DNA testing, I partnered with the company I had my report done through and got certified as an epigenetics counselor.

It’s a dream to help women overcome infertility holistically, and so I have come up with the idea to one day open a holistic fertility retreat. As I continue to work towards that dream, I use genetic testing to help women balance their hormones and overcome infertility once and for all lille I have done.
*(Endometriosis... A dis-ease in the body that presents when various systems are failing. Causes include inflammation, hormone imbalance, estrogen dominance, insulin resistance, oxidative stress overload, liver dysfunction, and gut dysbiosis.)
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