
Why Genetic Testing is Important?

In my opinion, there is no better tool in the natural health space than using your genetic code to guide you through the best holistic solutions available. We can really pinpoint exact lifestyle contributors to dis-ease and how to best support weak genes to overcome conditions like autoimmune and infertility. It's THE ultimate biohack!
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Genetic Testing

What Can We Learn Through DNA Testing?

Epigenetics is the science of manipulating gene expression with strategic nutrition and lifestyle habits designed to support weak genes. Although we are born with a set of genes…DNA… how we express them is through lifestyle habits. My favorite saying is “Our genes load the gun, but our lifestyle habits pull the trigger”. The way women’s health is treated in the medical field is so backwards as they try to slap Band-Aids on symptoms and prescribe medications and recommendations that just make matters worse. We are cutting out uteruses at an alarming rate and putting women on synthetic hormones that cause aggressive hormone imbalances. 

Let’s make A healthier Self together

We live in a world where 80% of the global female population deals with some form of hormone imbalance condition and one in six of those suffer from infertility. The world's fertility rates are at an all time low and at this rate, humanity is at risk of extinction when it doesn’t have to be. Combining epigenetics and holistic health shows fast and effective results in women’s health and empowers women to reconnect with their inner feminine and revive the Goddess within.
"After a lifetime of hormone imbalance and gut issues, at 29 years young, I was diagnosed with endometriosis after having a golf ball size tumor removed from my left ovary. At my follow up appointment, I was offered a hysterectomy or medical  menopause as treatment options and told I had a 50% reduced ability to have children if I was lucky enough to conceive. I was crushed! It was dream to have children. I walked away in complete despair on the hunt for any other alternatives to help reverse my condition. When I discovered genetic testing, everything I had been through and suffered with made sense due to the genetic mutations I carried. Once |I started supporting my genetic needs through nutrition, supplementation and non-toxic living, my symptoms started to go away, my hormones started to balance and I was able to conceive and bring to term 2 beautiful children completely naturally. I knew I had found something special and needed to bring this technology to the women's health space. In combining epigenetics with holistic healing, I created The Holistic Goddess Academy to help women reverse hormone imbalance and infertility holistically."
Yanik Shea
Owner, The Holistic Goddess Academy
"I’ve always assumed I had gene mutations but never got tested for anything… but after struggling with weight loss and hormone imbalance after my second child enough was enough and I needed answers! How astonishing it was to find out that I had several mutations in my DNA! It all started to make sense! From vitamin mutations, to detoxification mutations, and even mutations in gluten and fats… I had been living the opposite of what my body needed! The DNA report has helped me recognize what foods I need to be eating and which to avoid. Which vitamins I need to supplement with and even what type of exercise I should do! I've paired my results with some of the best whole food supplements available… and it’s been a total game changer!

Vitamin mutations met. 
Dietary needs met.
Detoxification needs met. 

I’ll be forever grateful for the opportunity to change my life for the better and support my children’s needs as well."
Christine Mayborne
Holistic Hormone Coach
"Throughout my life, I have faced numerous health challenges like fibromyalgia, illness, weight issues, and infertility. My periods were always irregular, leaving me feeling lost and unaware of the impact it had on my well-being at only 18!. But through the power of education, I discovered a new path. I had tried countless diets, only to experience temporary results and frustration. It wasn't until I unlocked the secrets of eating, and supplementing for my DNA, that everything changed. I now understand how food, personal hygiene, water and home cleaning products influenced every function and organ in my body, empowering me to create a vibrant and healthy self. By rebalancing my hormones, I will achieve sustainable weight loss. The academy has guided me in unlearning the misconceptions that society has ingrained in us, equipping me with invaluable skills for long-term wellness. I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to pass on this wisdom to my daughter, breaking the cycle of generational programming. The Holistic Goddess Academy has truly transformed my life, and I am forever thankful for the knowledge and empowerment it has brought me."
Shay Czajkowski
holistic health advocate
"I want to share a piece of my journey with you. For over a decade, I battled endometriosis, and it ultimately led me to a tough decision – a hysterectomy after the birth of my daughter in 2020. I'm here to express what I've learned, that opting for a hysterectomy brought me so many challenges that I wasn't prepared for. After the procedure, I faced reoccurring side effects – hormonal imbalances, energy dips, emotional turbulence and the truth that a hysterectomy was not a fix for endometriosis like it was portrayed to me. It wasn't the end of my struggles. Synthetic hormones every 3 months was the help I was left with. I just felt hopeless until I saw that one Facebook post that changed my life. Gratitude flooded in when I discovered Tranont which led to the Holistic Goddess Academy. With holistic approaches and whole food supplements, I reclaimed my health. No more lingering endometriosis symptoms post-hysterectomy! Now, armed with a personalized blueprint from my DNA, fine-tuned diet, and empowering supplements, I've embraced a vibrant, pain-free life. You too can embark on this transformative journey. You do not have to settle with good enough health."
Cassandra Bertsch
Hysterectomy and infertility warrior
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